Welcome to the Solomon H. Snyder Department of Neuroscience at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. The Department, founded in 1980 by neuroscience pioneer Sol Snyder, was one of the first Neuroscience Departments established in the country. With 34 primary faculty, 4 adjunct faculty and over 70 secondary faculty conducting research in all areas of research from molecular, cellular, to circuits, systems and behavioral neuroscience as well as neurological and psychiatric disease, our departmental approach and scope is both deep and broad reaching.
One of the hallmarks of the Department of Neuroscience is the level of interaction and collaboration among laboratories in the Department and with laboratories in other departments at Johns Hopkins University. This exceptional collegial environment makes the Department of Neuroscience a unique, exciting and dynamic place to do science. Warm interpersonal interactions are a notable theme of Hopkins Neuroscience Department.
Our Neuroscience Graduate Program, inaugurated in 1983, was one of the first in the country and is an international leader. The Graduate Program is centrally organized, forming a coherent and nurturing academic environment. This structure supports the goal of maximum one-on-one contact between faculty and students. Graduates of the program are among the finest in the country. Students who have trained with our faculty have occupied positions ranging from scientists at major research institutions around the world, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigators, department chairs, editors of major neuroscience journals and leadership positions at major biotech-pharmaceutical companies.
This website offers you an introduction to the Department of Neuroscience. Feel free to contact any of us by email or telephone for additional information.
Rick Huganir, PhD