Providing customized equipment for the Neuroscience Department
Cutting-edge research often requires the invention of customized equipment. The Department of Neuroscience houses a full-facility machine shop for the fabrication of equipment and electronics. The shop is capable of advanced design, fabrication, and service or repair of instruments large, small, and micro.
The Machine Shop is located in Room 928 of the Preclinical Teaching Building, 725 North Wolfe Street, on the Johns Hopkins University East Baltimore campus.
Phone: 410-955-9847
The Machine Shop is well equipped with a milling machine, lathe, surface grinder, CNC milling machine, and other necessary equipment. It is staffed by a top-notch machinist, Terry Shelley, who has been with the University since 1989 and has extensive experience designing and fabricating custom components for research. He has a proven gift for building intricate components that have made many difficult experiments possible.
The Machine Shop is capable of designing and fabricating a large variety of custom research components, including superfusion chambers for live tissue maintenance, Faraday cages, light tight boxes, head mounts for in vivo imaging and in vivo recording, microscope stages, and surgical components.
The Machine shop is partially funded by an NINDS Core Center Grant (P30 NS050274: “JHU Center for Neuroscience Research”). Services are available to three groups of investigators: (1) the thirteen Primary Center Investigators who are co-PIs of this P30 grant; (2) NINDS-funded investigators at The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine; and (3) on a case by case basis, other non-NINDS-funded neuroscience investigators at JHU.
Core personnel and directors carefully evaluate all applications for use of NINDS Core facilities, and services are allocated based on availability and guidelines that govern this NINDS Core funding mechanism.
Questions regarding eligibility to utilize Core Services can be addressed to Dwight Bergles, dbergles@jhmi.edu or Alex Kolodkin, kolodkin@jhmi.edu (P30 Center Director).
Initiation of a project with the Machine Shop requires that the NINDS Center Machine Shop Request Form be completed in full and forwarded to Terry Shelley: tshelle1@jhmi.edu
Click here to see components fabricate by the Machine Shop.
Terry Shelley