Amanda Brown PhD

Associate Professor of Neurology and Neuroscience; Director, Johns Hopkins Neuroscience Scholars Program; Director, Johns Hopkins NeuroHIV-Comorbidities Scholars Program; Director, Johns Hopkins Internship in Brain Sciences Program


  1. Brown A. Osteopontin: a key link between immunity, inflammation and the central nervous system. Translational Neuroscience 2012; 3(3): 288-293.
  2. Eger CCirelli KBudiaman J, Brown A. Non-continguous protein interaction domains in osteopontin contribute to enhance HIV-1 replication. J. Human Virol. and Retrovirol 2014; 1(1):00003. DOI: 10.15406/jhvrv.2014.01.00003
  3. Silva K., Hope-Lucas CWhite THariston TRameau T, Brown A. Cortical neurons are a prominent source of the proinflammatory cytokine osteopontin in HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND). J. Neurovirology 2015; 21(2):174-185. 
  4. Brown A. Understanding the MIND phenotype: macrophage/microglial inflammation in neurocognitive disorders related to human immunodeficiency virus infection. Clinical Translational Medicine 2015: 4:7 DOI 10.1186/s40169-015-0049-2.
  5. Saylor D, Dickens A, Sacktor N, Haughey N, Slusher B, Pletnikov M, Brown A, Volsky D, and McArthur J. HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders: emerging concepts in pathogenesis and therapy. Nature Reviews Neurol 2016;12(4):234-248.
  6. Calvez MHseeh GBenzer S, and Brown A. Osteopontin counters HIV-induced neuronal injury through the activation of mTOR and beta-integrin signaling. J. Neurovirology 201925(3):384-396. DOI : 10.1007/s13365-019-00729-yNJIV-D-18-00140.1
  7. Mohamed M, Skolasky RL, Zhou Y, Ye W, Brasic JR, Brown A, Pardo CA, Barker PB, Wong DF, and N Sacktor. Beta-amyloid (Abeta) uptake by PET imaging in older HIV+ and HIV- individuals. J. Neurovirology 2020;
  8. Boucher TLiang SJ, Zhang H, Mahmud F, and Brown A. Reprogramming of Adult Human Peripheral Blood Myeloid Progenitors into TMEM119+P2YR12+CX3CR1+ Functional Microglia. Under review at J. Leukocyte Biol.
  9. Mahmud F, Du Y, Greif E, Boucher T, Dannals RF, Mathews WB, Pomper MG, Sysa-Shah P, Metcalf Pate KA, Lyons C, CarlsonB, Chacona M, and Brown A. Osteopontin/secreted phosphoprotein-1 regulates the increase of brain translocator protein expression in response to viral infection. Submitted.