John Desmond PhD
Professor of Neurology
Professor of Neurology
Marvel, C.L. and Desmond, J.E. From storage to manipulation: How the neural correlates of verbal working memory reflect varying demands on inner speech. Brain & Language. 2012; 120: 42-51.
Yau, J.M., Hua, J., Liao, D.A. and Desmond, J.E. Efficient and robust identification of cortical targets in concurrent TMS-fMRI experiments. Neuroimage, 2013, 76: 134-144.
Cheng, D.T., Meintjes, E.M., Stanton, M.E., Desmond, J.E., Pienaar, Dodge, N.C., Power, J.M., Molteno, C.D., Disterhoft, J.F., Jacobson, J.L., and Jacobson, S.W. Functional MRI of cerebellar activity during eyeblink classical conditioning in children and adults. Human Brain Mapping, 2014; 35: 1390-1403.
Keren-Happuch, E., Chen, S.H.A., Ho, M-H.R., and Desmond, J.E. A meta-analysis of cerebellar contributions to higher cognition from PET and fMRI Studies. Human Brain Mapping, 2014; 35: 593-615.
Marien, P., Ackermann, H., Adamaszek, M., Barwood, C.H., Beaton, A., Desmond, J., De Witte, E., Fawcett, A.J., Hertrich, I., Kuper, M., Leggio, M., Marvel, C., Molinari, M., Murdoch, B.E., Nicolson, R.I., Schmahmann, J.D., Stoodley, C.J., Thurling, M., Timmann, D., Wouters, E. and Ziegler, W., Consensus paper: Language and the cerebellum: an ongoing enigma, Cerebellum, 2014; 13: 386-410.
Yau, J.M., Celnik, P., Hsiao, S.S., and Desmond, J.E. Feeling better: separate pathways for targeted enhancement of spatial and temporal touch, Psychological Science, 2014; 25: 555-565.
Yau, J.M., Jalinous, R., Cantarero, G.L. and Desmond, J.E., Static field influences on transcranial magnetic stimulation: considerations for TMS in the scanner environment. Brain Stimulation; 2014, 7: 388-393.
Liao, D.L., Kronemer, S.I., Yau, J.M., Desmond, J.E., and Marvel, C.L. Motor system contributions to verbal and non-verbal working memory. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2014, 8:753
Cheng, D.H., Jacobson, S.W., Jacobson, J.L., Molteno, C.D., Stanton, M.E., and Desmond, J.E. Eyeblink classical conditioning in alcoholism and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2015, 6: 155
Peterburs, J., Cheng, D.T., and Desmond, J.E. The association between eye movements and cerebellar activation in a verbal working memory task. Cerebral Cortex, 2016, 26: 3802-3813.
Peterburs, J. and Desmond, J.E., The role of the human cerebellum in performance monitoring, Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 2016, 40: 38-44.
Cheng, D.T., Meintjes, E. M., Stanton, M. E., Dodge, N. C., Pienaar, M., Warton, C. M. R., Desmond, J. E., Moteno, C. D., Peterson, B. S., Jacobson, J. L., and Jacobson, S. W. Functional MRI of human eyeblink classical conditioning in children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. Cerebral Cortex, 2017, 27:3752-3767.
Peterburs J, Blevins LC., Sheu Y-S, Desmond JE. Cerebellar contributions to sequence prediction in verbal working memory. Brain structure & function, 2019, 224:485-499. PMC6373538.
Sheu Y-S, Liang Y, Desmond JE. Disruption of Cerebellar Prediction in Verbal Working Memory. Frontiers in human neuroscience. 2019, 13:61. PMC6393359.
Cheng DT., Katzenelson AM., Faulkner ML., Disterhoft JF., Power JM., Desmond JE. Contingency awareness, aging, and the parietal lobe. Neurobiology of Aging, 2020, 91: 125-135. PMC7953809
Cheng DT., Rice LC., McCaul ME., Rilee JJ., Faulkner ML., Sheu Y-S, Mathena JR., Desmond JE. Neural substrates underlying eyeblink classical conditioning in adults with alcohol use disorders. Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2020, 44: 620-631. PMC7894057
Desmond, JE, Rice, LC, Cheng, DT, Hua, J, Qin, Q, Rilee, JJ, Faulkner, ML, Sheu, Y-S, Mathena, JR, Wand, GS, McCaul, ME. Changes in hemodynamic response function resulting from chronic alcohol consumption. Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research, 2020, 44: 1099-1111. PMC7233451
Peterburs, J., Liang, Y., Cheng, D. T., & Desmond, J. E.. Sensory acquisition functions of the cerebellum in verbal working memory. Brain structure & function, 2021, 226, 833–844. PMC7981326
Sheu, Y.-S., & Desmond, J. E.. Cerebro-Cerebellar Response to Sequence Violation in a Cognitive Task: an fMRI Study. 2021, Cerebellum (London, England), PMC8606618
Bhattacharjee, S., Kashyap, R., Goodwill, A. M., O'Brien, B. A., Rapp, B., Oishi, K., Desmond, J. E., & Chen, S. H. A. Sex difference in tDCS current mediated by changes in cortical anatomy: A study across young, middle and older adults. Brain Stimulation, 2022, 15, 125–140. PMC9041842
Vinas-Guasch, N., Ng, T.H.B, Heng, J.G., Chan, Y.C., Chew, E., Desmond, J.E., & Chen, S.H.A. Cerebellar transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) impairs visual working memory. Cerebellum, 2022. PMC9522915
Licata AE., Zhao Y, Herrmann O, Hillis AE., Desmond J, Onyike C, Tsapkini K (2023) Sex differences in effects of tDCS and language treatments on brain functional connectivity in primary progressive aphasia. NeuroImage. Clinical 37:103329. PMC2997358.
Mundorf A, Siebert A, Desmond JE., Peterburs J (2023) The role of the cerebellum in internet gaming disorder-A systematic review. Addiction biology 28:e13331. PMC10662475.
Rice LC., Langan MT., Cheng DT., Sheu Y-S, Peterburs J, Hua J, Qin Q, Rilee JJ., Faulkner ML., Mathena JR., Munro CA., Wand GS., McCaul ME., Desmond JE. (2024) Disrupted executive cerebro-cerebellar functional connectivity in alcohol use disorder. Alcohol, clinical & experimental research 48:33–47. PMC10784638.