Applications are invited for tenure-track faculty positions in the Department of Neuroscience at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (http://neuroscience.jhu.edu). Applicants investigating the development and function of the nervous system at all levels of analysis are encouraged to apply. Applicants should have a Ph.D. or M.D., and a strong record of research accomplishments. Faculty members are expected to establish creative active independent research programs and participate in teaching graduate students. Deadline for applications is October 15, 2017. The Johns Hopkins University is committed to enhancing the diversity of its faculty and encourages applications from women and minorities. Please submit a PDF file containing curriculum vitae and a brief description of current and future research interests and arrange for three letters of reference to be sent on your behalf.
Richard L. Huganir
Chair Search Committee
Department of Neuroscience
The Johns Hopkins University
School of Medicine
725 North Wolfe Street, Hunterian 1009A
Baltimore, Maryland 21205
An EEO/AA employer