For all the latest news from the Solomon H. Snyder Department of Neuroscience
For all the latest news from the Solomon H. Snyder Department of Neuroscience
Publications from Primary Faculty Members - May 2017:
Congratulations to the following Graduate Student and Postdoc winners of the 2017 Young Inverstigator's Awards!
Scroll down past the list for more information on our award winning Neuroscience members.
Graduate Students
Jonathan Grima – Jeff Rothstein’s lab
The Paul Ehrlich Research Award
Mutant Huntingtin Disrupts the Nuclear Pore Complex
Kai Liu – Seth Blackshaw’s lab
The Mette Strand Research Award
Lhx6-Expressing GABAergic Neurons of the Zona Incerta Promote Sleep
Shuohao Sun – Xinzhong Dong’s lab
The Alicia Showalter-Reynolds Research Award
Leaky Gate Model: Intensity-Dependent Coding of Pain and Itch
Graham Diering, PhD - lab of Richard Huganir
The Daniel Nathans Research Award
Homeostatic Scaling of Excitatory Synapses During Sleep
Sung-Eun (Sam) Kwon, PhD – lab of Daniel H. O’Connor
The Albert Lehninger Research Award
Cortical Circuits for Touch Perception