Scientists are trained to be meticulous when they speak about their work. That’s why David Linden likes getting his neuroscience colleagues tipsy. For years, after plying them with spirits, he has been asking brain researchers the same simple question: “What idea about brain function would you most like to explain to the world?” He reports, “I’ve been delighted with their responses. They don’t delve into the minutiae of their latest experiments or lapse into nerd speak. They sit up a little straighter, open their eyes a little wider, and give clear, insightful, and often unpredictable or counterintuitive answers.”
A new book, called THINK TANK, now available from Yale Press, is the result of those conversations. He’s invited a group of the world’s leading neuroscientists, including many from Johns Hopkins, to answer that key question in the form of a short essay.
You can read an excerpt on Amazon here:
The JHU contributors and their essays are:
Genetics Provides a Window on Human Individuality
Jeremy Nathans
Though the Brain Has Billions of Neurons, Wiring It All Up May Depend upon Very Simple Rules
Alex L. Kolodkin
Children’s Brains Are Different
Amy Bastian
The Brain Harbors Many Neurotransmitters
Solomon H. Snyder
You Have a Superpower—It’s Called Vision
Charles E. Connor
Time’s Weird in the Brain—That’s a Good Thing, and Here’s Why
Marshall G. Hussain Shuler and Vijay M. K. Namboodiri
A Comparative Approach Is Imperative for the Understanding of Brain Function
Cynthia F. Moss
The Cerebellum Learns to Predict the Physics of Our Movements
Scott T. Albert and Reza Shadmehr
Neuroscience Can Show Us a New Way to Rehabilitate Brain Injury: The Case of Stroke
John W. Krakauer
Almost Everything You Do Is a Habit
Adrian M. Haith
Mind Reading Has Emerged at Least Twice in the Course of Evolution
Gül Dölen
Human Sexual Orientation Is Strongly Influenced by Biological Factors
David J. Linden