Congratulations to Dr. Daeyeol Lee, a Bloomberg Distinguished Professor in Neuroscience and Psychological and Brain Sciences, for being selected as the 2021 recipient of the Samsung Ho-am Prize in Medicine!
News story: http://www.hoamfoundation.org/eng/award/thisyear_view.asp?idx=442Distinguished Professor Daeyeol Lee is an international authority in neuroscience. Professor Lee identified neural mechanisms of decision-making by incorporating economics into neuroscientific research using nonhuman primates as subjects. Widely considered the father of neuroeconomics, he integrated a range of academic disciplines that improve understanding of neuropsychiatric disorders and offer more possibilities for treatment.
The Samsung Ho-Am Prize was established in 1990 by Kun-Hee Lee, the late Chairman of Samsung, with a vision to create a new corporate culture that continues the noble spirit of public service espoused by Byung-chull Lee, founder of Samsung.
The Prize is presented each year to individuals who have contributed to academics, the arts, and social development, or who have furthered the welfare of humanity through distinguished accomplishments in their respective professional fields.
The Prize for Medicine includes the clinical and research areas of medicine, physiology, and pharmacology. The Prize is awarded to people of Korean heritage who have made distinctive contributions to the efforts of humankind to conquer the disease.
Recipients of the Samsung Ho-Am Prize are each presented with Diploma, a pure gold medal (187.5g) and a cash prize of KRW 300million (approx. 275,000 USD)