Congratulations to Dr. Alex Kolodkin, a primary member in the Neuroscience Department, for being awarded a Research to End Blindness Stein Innovation Award!
The Stein Award from the RPB provides unrestricted funding focused on visual system research in health and disease. Dr. Kolodkin is one of 40 researchers who have received the award since it was established in 2014. Research in Dr. Kolodkin’s laboratory funded by this RBP award will be focused on investigating novel roles of mechcanotransduction channels in visual system development and in inherited diseases that compromise eye movement in response to image motion.
More information about RPB grants program can be found here: www.rpbusa.org
Information about the RPB Stein Innovation Award can be found here: https://www.rpbusa.org/rpb/grants-and-research/grants/grants-for-individuals/stein-innovation-awards/