The 12 Fellows for the 2014 Klingenstein-Simons Neuroscience Award were announced, and 2 of the Fellows are primary members in the Neuroscience department.
Solange Brown was awarded a Fellowship to investigate cortical circuits involved in sensory processing. Sensory perception represents the interplay of peripheral sensory input and internally generated brain states such as attention. Although it is clear that the same sensory input can be perceived very differently depending on the behavioral context, the neural circuits underlying these effects are not well understood. Dr. Brown will use the Klingenstein-Simons Award to determine the functional organization of cortical circuits involved in this modulation of sensory perception.
Jeremiah Cohen, also a member of the Brain Science Institute, was awarded a Fellowship to investigate serotonin neural circuits for reward and mood. Serotonin is released throughout the brain by a small number of neurons. This set of neurons looks tantalizingly like an anatomical "broadcasting system," but its function is a mystery. Dr. Cohen aims tol use the Klingenstein-Simons Award to study the activity of serotonergic neurons in mice performing behavioral tasks involving rewards and changes of the value of the environment on different timescales.