Jeremiah Cohen, a primary faculty member in the Neuroscience department and Brain Science Institute, was named one of four international MQ Fellows. The annual MQ Fellows Award provides researchers funds to support cutting-edge projects exploring new ways of understanding, treating and preventing mental illness.
Dr. Cohen's group investigates the neuromodulatory basis of behaviors. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter involved in many behaviors and disorders. Unfortunately, we understand little about this widespread brain circuit. With the MQ award, Dr. Cohen plans to map the activity of the serotonin system by observing the activity of serotonin-releasing neurons. With this map, the group may then be able to perturb different behaviors selectively.
Link to announcement: http://www.joinmq.org/news-opinion/entry/international-mental-health-science-award-given-to-four-talented-young-rese