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Life at JHU
Dr. Huganir presents the 2013 C. Ladd Prosser Memorial Lecture
Dr. Brown is awarded a NARSAD Young Investigator Award
The Huganir lab reports in Science
The Kolodkin lab reports in Science
Cara Altimus wins first place honors
Dr. Foster is selected as President of the Baltimore Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience.
Dr. Dolen reports in Nature
RO1 Grant Renewed for 5 years
Dr. O'Connor is awarded a 2013 Klingenstein-Simons Fellowship Award
The Knierim Lab reports in Neuron
The Lee Lab reports in Neuron
Hey-Kyoung Lee featured on NPR
The Kolodkin lab reports in Neuron
The Dong Lab reports in the current issue of Neuron
Review by Christopher Potter in Cell
Dr. Bergles discusses the roles of glia in the nervous system on the latest Brain Matters Podcast
The Wu lab describes new sleep gene in Neuron and on NPR
Knierim Book Released: Space, Time and Memory in the Hippocampal Formation
Jim Knierim reports in Nature Neuroscience
The 2014 Young Investigator Award Winners - Congrats to Neuroscience winners
Sol Snyder Wins 2014 Alpert Prize
Steven Hsiao, World Leader in Sensory Physiology Research
Linden and Potter Each Awarded a School of Medicine Synergy Discovery Grant
Brown and Cohen selected as Klingenstein-Simons Neuroscience Fellows
Marsh-Armstrong's Reports in PNAS regarding the transcellular degradation of axonal mitochondria
Chang Liu wins 2014 Symposium Award from the Society of General Physiologists
Richard Huganir Wins 2014 Goldman-Rakic Prize
David Yue describes a surprising twist for apocalmodulin function in the recent issue of Cell
Alex Kolodkin named as AAAS Fellow
Xinzhong Dong Reports in Nature the Identification of a New Mast Cell Allergy Receptor
Jeremiah Cohen wins MQ Fellows Award
David Linden discusses his new book "Touch" on Fresh Air
Gul Dolen awarded a 2015 Searle Scholarship for Exceptional Young Scientists
Gul Dolen Wins Hartwell Individual Biomedical Research Award
Knierim Book Released: Space, Time and Memory in the Hippocampal Formation
Jim Knierim reports in Nature Neuroscience
The 2014 Young Investigator Award Winners - Congrats to Neuroscience winners
Sol Snyder Wins 2014 Alpert Prize
Steven Hsiao, World Leader in Sensory Physiology Research
Linden and Potter Each Awarded a School of Medicine Synergy Discovery Grant
Brown and Cohen selected as Klingenstein-Simons Neuroscience Fellows
Marsh-Armstrong's Reports in PNAS regarding the transcellular degradation of axonal mitochondria
Chang Liu wins 2014 Symposium Award from the Society of General Physiologists
Richard Huganir Wins 2014 Goldman-Rakic Prize
David Yue describes a surprising twist for apocalmodulin function in the recent issue of Cell
Alex Kolodkin named as AAAS Fellow
Xinzhong Dong Reports in Nature the Identification of a New Mast Cell Allergy Receptor
Jeremiah Cohen wins MQ Fellows Award
David Linden discusses his new book "Touch" on Fresh Air
Gul Dolen awarded a 2015 Searle Scholarship for Exceptional Young Scientists
Gul Dolen Wins Hartwell Individual Biomedical Research Award
Publications - March 2015
Publications - April 2015
Publications - May 2015
Xinzhong Dong selected as HHMI Investigator
Knierim Lab Pinpoints Part of Brain That Taps into our Memory Banks
Knierim lab - Where does a memory begin? Johns Hopkins neuroscientists think they know
David Foster Watches Rats String Memories Together
Mystery solved: Neuroscience graduate student is Baltimore 'dancing girl'
Tom Lloyd publishes in Nature regarding neurodegeneration
The Kavli Foundation announces $100 million commitment to Brain Research
Jeremiah Cohen Finalist for 2015 Eppendorf Prize
Brain training: Researchers at Johns Hopkins solve puzzle of how we learn
O’Connor lab solves puzzle of “fickle” perception
Dr. Alex Kolodkin wins Pradel Research Award from the National Academy of Science
Dr. Shan Sockanathan Finalist in 2016 President's Frontier Award
Publications - June 2015
Huganir Lab reports in Science: How does the brain “know” when to stop eating?
King-Wai Yau Wins 2016 Retina Research Foundation Kayser International Award
Dr. Marshall Shuler receives 2016 Hamilton Smith Award
Neuroscience Graduate Student receives Autism Science Foundation Fellowship Award
Publications - July 2015
Publications - August 2015
Publications - September 2015
Publications - December 2015
Publications - October 2015
Publications - November 2015
Publications - January 2016
Publications - February 2016
Publications - March 2016
Amit Agarwal wins W. Barry Wood, Jr., Young Investigator's Day Award
Alisa Mo wins Michael J. Shanoff, Young Investigator's Day Award
Han Chin Wang Wins the Paul Erlich Young Investigator's Day Award
Wendy Yue wins the Michael A. Shanoff, Young Investigator's Day Award
Sol Snyder wins Salk Institute Medal for pioneering neuroscience research
Alex Kolodkin elected to American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Dept of Neuroscience Researchers Featured in The New Yorker
Publications - April 2016
Wu lab identifies neural circuits underlying sleep drive in flies
Publications - June 2016
Alex Kolodkin honored with Inaugural Homcy and Margolis Endowed Professorship
Society for Neuroscience elects Richard Huganir as next SfN President
Publications - July 2016
Publications - August 2016
Neuroscientist Ulrich Mueller joins JHU as Bloomberg Distinguished Professor
David Linden in Time magazine
Kristina Nielsen on How the Brain Turns Pixels into Objects
Foster lab reports in Neuron how rats form memories associated with food rewards.
Publications - September 2016
Publications - October 2016
Hopkins Neuroscientists Identify Inhibitors of Zika Virus Infection
Hopkins Neuroscientist's Work Yields New Insights into Postsynaptic Density Regulation
Potter Lab Identifies a Possible "FLAVOR" Center in the Mosquito Brain
Dr. Xinzhong Dong Awarded the 2016 Donlin M. Long Pain Service Award
Kavli Roundtable Discussion with Hopkins Researchers on Data Sharing on a Massive Scale
Publications - November 2016
Blackshaw Lab identifies link between master clock and control of sleep and body temperature.
Dan O’Connor receives 2017 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers
New Institute Turbocharges Brain Science at Johns Hopkins
David Linden speaks about the sense of touch on TED Radio Hour
Dr. Knierim appears on SfN Podcast: tip and tricks to publishing
Daniel Pham Recipient of 2016 Community Service Award
Publications - December 2016
Publications - January 2017
New study by Huganir Lab in Science reveals synapse dynamics during sleep
New Research Investigating Cellular Basis of Memory from Knierim Lab Appears in Neuron
Publications - February 2017
Publications - March 2017
Neuroscience Graduate Student Honored with a 2017 Young Investigator Award
Xinzhong Dong's lab reports in the current issue of Neuron how itch-detecting neurons manage pain
Xinzhong Dong's Lab reports in the current issue of PNAS about the role of MRGPRX1 in persistent pain
Neuroscience graduate student selected as 2016-2017 Fred and Ruth Kort Young Scholar
Bergles Lab work featured on cover of Neuron
Publications- April 2017
Three Neuroscience Students Granted NSF Awards
Neuroscience Graduate Student's Research on Huntington's Disease Featured in Neuron
Neuroscience Young Investigator's Day Winners 2017
Work by the Yau lab confirms melanopsin light-sensitive muscles influence pupil constriction in many mammalian eyes
Publications - May 2017
Publications - June 2017
Dr. King-Wai Yau Featured in PNAS Profile
Neuroscience Faculty Winners of 2017 Discovery Awards
Publications - July 2017
Blackshaw group reports in Nature the discovery of sleep-promoting neurons in the mammalian hypothalamus
Neuroscience Graduate Students Coating Ceremony
Faculty Positions in the Department of Neuroscience
Publications - September 2017
Publications - October 2017
Brain Awareness Week Sticker Design Contest
Dr. Bergles' Live Interview with the Science Comedian Brian Malow
Dr. Yau's Live Interview with the Science Comedian Brian Malow
Dr. Mattson Talks about Fasting and the Brain on Today Show
Neuroscience Faculty Honored with 2017 Synergy and Innovation Discovery Awards from the School of Medicine
Publication - November 2017
Publications - December 2017
Publications - January 2018
Going for the Gold: Dr. Fetsch's Research into the Decision Making Minds of Olympic Athletes
Baltimore Brain Connect Outreach Program
Publications - February 2018
Dr. Blackshaw talks about his recent findings on sleep promoting neurons in the brain
Writing About the Brain Neuroscience Course scores Published Article
The Huganir Lab Reports in PNAS the Identification of Long-Lived Proteins in Synaptosomes
Kyle Severson Receives Young Investigator Award
Natalie Hamilton and Jessie Benedict Awarded NSF Graduate Research Fellowship for 2018
Dr. Linden's new book, THINK TANK, now available
Publications - March 2018
Publications - April 2018
Schmidt Sciences Nascent Innovation Grant Awarded to Vogelstein and Huganir
Dr. Richard Huganir Named Bloomberg Distinguished Professor
Publications - May 2018
Loyal Goff and Chris Potter selected as Catalyst Award Winners for 2018
Symposium Celebrating Rick Huganir - 30 Years at Johns Hopkins
Publications - August 2018
Goodman Young Scholar Award Winners
Neuroscience Coating Ceremony
Dr. Michela Gallagher awarded 2018 Melvin R. Goodes Prize for Excellence in Alzheimer's Drug Discovery
Dr. Dölen Publishes Study Suggesting Octopuses Moods are Influenced by drug Ectasy
Dr. Stuphorn Finds Brain Center Linked to High-Risk Behavior
Dr. King-Wai Yau elected to National Academy of Medicine
Study by Dr. Janak Identifies Ventral Pallidum as Food Reward Center
Publications - September 2018
Publications - October 2018
Knierim Lab Discovers New Role for Brain Region Critical for Memory
Dr. Hyungbae Kwon’s laboratory to join the Solomon H. Snyder Department of Neuroscience at Johns Hopkins University of School of Medicine 2019
Collaborative Study between Hopkins Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering Reveals Insights into How Humans Make Decisions
Publications - January 2019
Publications - December 2018
McGovern Institute Awards 2019 Edward M. Scolnick Prize to Richard Huganir
The Knierim Lab Reveals How the Brain Keeps Track of Location
Publications - February 2019
Dr. Daeyeol Lee's laboratory to join the Solomon H. Snyder Department of Neuroscience at Johns Hopkins University of School of Medicine 2019
Publication - March 2019
Publications - April 2019
Drs. King-Wai Yau and Jeremy Nathans Awarded The Hellen Keller Prize
Congratulations to our 2019 Neuroscience Ph.D. Graduates
Congratulations to Dr. Jeremiah Cohen for receiving a 2019 Johns Hopkins Catalyst Award!
Publications - July 2019
The Cohen lab defines a stable neural mechanism to drive flexible behavior
Dr. King-Wai Yau is the 2019 Beckman-Argyros Vision Research Award winner
The Doetlzhofer Lab Investigates Proteins That Might Restore Damaged Sound-Detecting Cells in The Ear
Publications - August 2019
The Potter Lab investigates how common insect repellents affect a mosquito's nose
Publications - October 2019
Publications - September 2019
Congratulations to Project Bridge for winning the 2019 Next Generation Award!
Congratulations to Dr. Seth Blackshaw for receiving a Research to Prevent Blindness Stein Innovation Award!
Congratulations to Dr. Gül Dölen for being selected as a Finalist in the 2020 President's Frontier Award!
Congratulations to Dr. Chris Potter for being selected as the recipient of the 2020 Hamilton Smith Award for Innovative Research
Congratulations to David Ottenheimer- the Graduate Student Speaker for Convocation 2020
Congratulations to our Neuroscience Graduate Students Honored at the 2020 Convocation
Congratulations to Graduate Student and Postdocs in the Neuroscience Department for their Young Investigator Day Awards
We will not tolerate racism in our community
Congrats to Dr. Hyungbae Kwon for receiving a 2020 Johns Hopkins Catalyst Award
Neuroscience Department Statement Against Systemic Racism
Blackshaw lab unlocks hidden regenerative potential in mammalian retina
The Neuroscience Graduate Training Program is looking to hire a Deputy Director
Dr. Alex Kolodkin elected to the National Academy of Medicine
Virtual Open House- Johns Hopkins Neuroscience PhD Program
Neuroscience Graduate Student Talks with SfN about Implicit Bias
Dr. Dwight Bergles wins Barancik Prize for Innovation in MS Research
Octopuses as a new model organism
Congratulations to Riley Bannon for being awarded an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship!
Congratulations to Dr. Daeyeol Lee for recieving the 2021 Samsung Ho-am Prize in Medicine!
Congratulations to Neuroscience graduate student and postdoctoral fellows for their Young Investigators’ Day awards!
Congratulations to Dr. Angelika Doetzlhofer for the 2021 Hamilton Smith Award!
Neuroscientist Perspective on Social Touch and Our Post-pandemic Future
Congratulations to Gian Molina-Castro for 2021 Diversity Leadership Award!
Congratulations to our freshly coated Neuroscience Graduate Students!
Congratulations to Neuroscience Grad Student Gian Molina-Castro for Winning a Career Impact Award!
Alex Kolodkin is selected as a Research to Prevent Blindness (RPB) Stein Innovation award recipient
Dr. David Linden's personal journey published in The Atlantic
Congratulations to Thomas Burnett and Gian Molina-Castro for being inducted into the 2022 Bouchet Graduate Honor Society!
Using Virtual Reality to Explore the Nervous System- A Q&A with Dr. Dwight Bergles
Congratulations to Dr. Solange Brown who has been selected for the 2022 Hamilton Smith Award!
Congratulations to Dr. Alex Kolodkin for being elected to the National Academy of Sciences!
Congratulations to Dr. Richard Huganir for being awarded the Ralph W. Gerard Prize in Neuroscience
Solomon Snyder, JHU distinguished professor emeritus and noted neurologist and psychologist, retires
Dr. Xinzhong Dong elected as a AAAS Fellow
David Linden Publishes Guest Essay in New York Times
Congratulations to Dr. Amy Bastian for her election to the National Academy of Sciences
Congratulations to Dr. Leah Elias, a Postdoc in Dr. Blackshaw's lab, for being named a 2023 Jane Coffin Childs Fellow
Dr. David Linden: Life, Death & the Neuroscience of Your Unique Experience
Congratulations to Kolodkin Postdoc Dr. Karina Chaudhari for receiving the inaugural DuBose Postdoc Research Scholar Award!
Dr. Huganir's latest research in Science
Dr. Patricia Janak selected as AAAS Fellow
Navigating in the Dark: New Research from Knierim and Cowan
Article by David Linden about Touch
OneNeuro Initiative at JHU
The Huganir lab's latest results published in Nature
The Kwon lab's results on the neuron ensembles underlying spatiotemporal memories published in Nature Neuroscience
Congratulations to Dr. Uli Mueller for being awarded the Scientific Grand Prize from the Foundation Pour L'Audition!
Congrats to Dr. Jared Tangeman in the Blackshaw lab for being awarded the HHMI Hanna Gray Fellowship!